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Checklists in Workflow Manager
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Checklists are a valuable tool for organizing tasks and ensuring that all necessary steps are completed. They can be especially useful in streamlining processes and improving efficiency. By grouping related sub-tasks together, you can simplify the assignment of tasks to users and create a more organized workflow.

  1. Checklists are used to group related sub-tasks within a larger task. Instead of assigning numerous individual tasks to users, you can create a checklist to encapsulate multiple steps that need to be completed.
  2. Grouping similar tasks together in a checklist helps streamline business processes. This organization reduces clutter, minimizes confusion, and ensures that all necessary steps are clearly outlined and completed.

  3. When creating a template for a specific process, you can include a checklist to represent the necessary sub-tasks. This ensures consistency and standardization across similar processes.

  4. By using checklists, you can assign the entire task to a user or team, allowing them to work through the individual sub-tasks within it. This simplifies the assignment process and helps prevent tasks from falling through the cracks.

  5. Checklists help improve efficiency by providing a clear roadmap of tasks to complete. Users can tick off items as they are finished, giving them a sense of progress and accomplishment.

Permission Set to Create Checklists & Checklist Items

First, to create and use Checklists, you will need to assign the appropriate permission set to a user. For the correct access,  the Permission Set: Elements Workflow Manager Admin must be assigned. This allows users to create and edit Checklists.

Creating a Checklist

First, you will need to create the Checklist in the Elements Configuration App before you can assign it to a Workflow Template Step. 


1. Open the Elements Configuration App from the App Selector.

2. Select More and then Checklists.


3. Click New.

4. Give the Checklist a NameTitle, and Description. For ease of use, we recommend adding the Workflow Template name in the Checklist Name, for example, "Update Internal Systems (Client Onboarding)." Then Save

5. Next, click the Name of the Checklist to edit.

6. Click the Checklist Items tab.  

7. Click New to add a new Checklist Item. 


  • Each item is a sub-task that you can add a weight, creating a percentage complete on your Checklist. We recommend the weightings add up to 100 percent total. 
  • You can add up to 20 Checklist Items.
  • The Checklist Item Name is an internal name while the Checklist Item Label will show on the Step.

8. Fill out the required and recommended fields, then click Save.

Assign the Checklist to a Workflow Template Step

Once you have created your Checklist and Checklist items, you can now assign the Checklist to a Workflow Template Step.

1. In Elements Configuration App, open a Workflow Template.

2. Select the Steps tab.

3. Select the Step you want to edit.

4. Under the Task Details section, click the pencil to Edit the Checklist.

5. Search for and select your Checklist.

6. Click Save

View a Checklist on a Task

Once the Step on a Workflow kicks off, the Related Task with a Checklist assigned, you can open the Task details to view and complete the Checklist Items. The items will be marked with the user's name and the date they were completed for easy tracking and visibility of the progress on the Checklist items. 


Note: Marking the checklist items complete does not complete the Task. You must also mark the Task complete. It is possible to mark the Task Complete without checking all Checklist items complete.

Salentica can be customized by your System Administrator, so your views & access may differ from this documentation. Please contact your System Administrator with specific questions.

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