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Portfolios Navigation
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To access Portfolios, you will go to Menu > Portfolios. If you choose the drop-down arrow near Portfolios, it will display +New Portfolio, Recent Records, and Recent Lists. By clicking on Portfolios in the Menu, you will see a list view of Portfolios associated with your firm. You can choose to view your Recently Viewed Portfolios, All Portfolios, Non-Compliant Portfolios or other lists that have been created by either you or your firm. Each of these lists are searchable, sortable, filterable, and can allow for inline editing. To choose a specific Portfolio to view the details you need to click on the Portfolio Name to open the Portfolio entity.

What's in a Portfolio?


Portfolio Updates

In the top right corner of Portfolio, there are links that help you quickly update the Portfolio entity you are viewing. Customization of these links, and permissioning of access to these links, can be updated by the System Administrator. Our defaults include:

  • +Follow
  • Edit
  • New Note
  • New Contact
  • Delete
  • Clone
  • Printable View

Highlights Panel

A fully customizable part of the Portfolio entity, the Highlights Panel includes top information about the Portfolio that your System Administrator has indicated to be vital to your Portfolios. By default, our Highlights Panel includes loaded information (Relationship) and information received daily from your Custodian or Portfolio Management System (Portfolio Code and Total Market Value).

Related List Quick Links

Related List Quick Links are just that, quick links to access information that is related to the Portfolio entity. You can either hover over the links to see the first related records (up to 10), or you can click on the links to see the full list. System Administrators can customize these links for your firm, and with the proper permission, you can choose to also customize your personal Related List Quick Links. To customize quick links, go to your personal settings > enter Customize My Pages in the Quick Find box > select Customize My Pages > select Portfolios.

Salentica has chosen the following quick links: Portfolio/Accounts, Requests, Notes, Notes & Attachments.

Portfolio Menu

Below your Portfolio Name, Highlights Panel, and Related Quick Links, the bulk of the information about the Portfolio is included.The data points that are listed below are defaults based on Element's initial template. They can be edited, moved or removed by your System Administrator. Please reach out to your System Administrator or Elements Service team for more information.


  • Details
    • Relationship, Portfolio Name, Model, Portfolio Code, IPS on File?, IPS Date, Portfolio Notes, Active?
      • Data Point Source - Loaded or Manually Entered
    • Is Master?, Total Market Value, Total Supervised, Total Unsupervised, Valuation Date, Master Portfolio
      • Data Point Source - Portfolio Management System or Loaded/Manually Entered if no Portfolio Management System
  • Compliance & Service
    • Currently Non-compliant?, Non-compliant Since, Non-compliance Acknowledged by, Non-compliance Acknowledged On, Non-compliance Notes
      • Data Point Source - Loaded or Manually Entered
    • Compliance Status (Red or Green Flag)
      • Data Point Source - Calculated
  • Alternatives Allocation
    • Alternatives Non-compliant Since, Alternatives Actual Weight, Alternatives Drift, Alternatives Actual Market Value, Alternatives Target Weight Low, Alternatives Target Weight High
      • Data Point Source - Portfolio Management System or Loaded/Manually Entered if no Portfolio Management System
  • Cash Allocation
    • Cash Non-compliant Since, Cash Actual Weight, Cash Drift, Cash Actual Market Value, Cash Target Weight Low, Cash Target Weight High
      • Data Point Source - Portfolio Management System or Loaded/Manually Entered if no Portfolio Management System
  • Equity Allocation
    • Equity Non-compliant Since, Equity Actual Weight, Equity Drift, Equity Actual Market Value, Equity Target Weight Low, Equity Target Weight High
      • Data Point Source - Portfolio Management System or Loaded/Manually Entered if no Portfolio Management System
  • Fixed Income Allocation
    • Fixed Income Non-compliant Since, Fixed Income Actual Weight, Fixed Income Drift, Fixed Income Actual Market Value, Fixed Income Target Weight Low, Fixed Income Target Weight High
      • Data Point Source - Portfolio Management System or Loaded/Manually Entered if no Portfolio Management System
  • Other Allocation
    • Other Non-compliant Since, Other Actual Weight, Other Drift, Other Actual Market Value, Other Target Weight Low, Other Target Weight High
      • Data Point Source - Portfolio Management System or Loaded/Manually Entered if no Portfolio Management System
    • Created By, Salentica Data Broker ID, Last Modified By, ExternalID
      • Data Point Source - Activity Based


The Related section shows the lists of the first records that are associated with the Related List Quick Links - Portfolio/Accounts, Requests, Notes, Notes & Attachments. These lists remove the need to hover over the Related List Quick Links access the associated records, and give you additional information about each record on a single page.


Under Activity, you can create new activities that already have the Portfolio information prepopulated, and track previous activities for the Portfolio and their status.

Default Activities include:

  • New Task
  • New Event (Meetings)
  • Log a Call
  • Email


Use Chatter to share information, collaborate, and keep up with the latest updates in the Portfolio. From here, you can also tag teammates to notify them about discussions being had about Portfolios with which they are associated. Your System Administrator determines the permissions for Chatter and it works in accordance with all of the security and permission settings. 

Salentica can be customized by your System Administrator, so your views & access may differ from this documentation. Please contact your System Administrator with specific questions.

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