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Home > Asset Management on Salentica Elements > Contacts on Asset Management
Contacts on Asset Management
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Contact records store much of the information that you and your team collect from your customers. 

Similar to Outlook or other email programs, you store data about the people you know and work with, in Contacts.

These may include team members of the Distribution Teams you work with. Usually, a Relationship has more than one Contact associated with it, especially when you’re working with a larger company with many departments or locations and you deal with several people to manage the account.

Contacts on Asset Manager include aggregated account information such as total market value, contributions, withdrawals, etc.

Contact Navigation 

To access Contacts, select Menu > Contacts. You can choose to view My Contacts, All Contacts, or other views you or your firm create. Each of these lists is searchable, sortable, and filterable. You can also view charts that are associated with the Contact views. To view a specific Contact's details, select the Name

What's in a Contact?

Contact Updates

  • + Follow
  • Delete 
  • Edit

Contact Highlights

  • Relationship Name
  • Contact Type
  • Phone (2)
  • Primary Email
  • Contact Owner

Related List Quick Links

  • Related Relationships
  • Employment History
  • Financial Accounts (primary owner)
  • Financial Accounts (secondary owner)
  • Notes
  • Files
  • Referrals
  • Financial Assets (Agent/Broker)
  • Financial Liabilities
  • Addresses (Contact Reference)
  • Outreach Members
  • New Business
  • Agents
  • Legal Entity Ownership
  • Insurance Policies (Insured)
  • Tax filings
  • Tax Filings (CPA/Accountant)
  • Vendor Contracts

Contact Menu

  • Details
  • Related
  • Notes & Files

Contact Information

  • Photo
  • Name
  • Contact Type
  • Contact Subtype
  • Nickname
  • Relationship Name
  • Contact Owner
  • Family
  • Contact Notes

Address Information

  • Inherit Relationship Mailing Address 
  • Mailing Address
  • Inherit Relationship Billing Address
  • Billing Address


  • Do Not Call
  • Home Phone
  • Mobile phone
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Email Opt Out
  • Primary Email
  • Alternate Email
  • Assistant
  • Asst. Phone


  • Last Contacted On
  • Last Contacted By
  • Last Contact Activity

Personal Information

  • Gender 
  • Marital Status
  • Spouse/Partner
  • Anniversary
  • Citizenship
  • Number of Dependents?
  • Birthdate
  • Age (current)
  • Age (EOY)
  • Next Birthday
  • Days Until Next Birthday
  • Date of Death

Employment Details

  • Current employment
  • Occupation
  • Annual Income
  • Current Employer
  • Job Title

Financial Information

  • Is Accredited Investor?
  • Is Qualified Client?
  • Private Placement Experience Sector(s)
  • Is Qualified Purchaser?
  • Previous Private Placement Experience?
  • Liquid net worth
  • Net worth

Salentica can be customized by your System Administrator, so your views & access may differ from this documentation. Please contact your System Administrator with specific questions.

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