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Home > Asset Management on Salentica Elements > Investment Accounts on Asset Management
Investment Accounts on Asset Management
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Investment Accounts allow you to track the end client's individual accounts that invest in your Products. As the Asset Manager, this object assists you in calculating the contributions and withdrawals in and out of your Product. Most Salentica clients are able to import these accounts through Data Broker from their Portfolio or Accounting Management Systems.


Because we use Investment Accounts to calculate funding amounts and valuation on Investment Products, we recommend that an Investment Product is assigned to every Investment Account. Also, Distribution Channels aggregate Investment Account Values as well, so we also recommend that all Investment Accounts have a Distribution Channel assigned. 

Where do I see an Investment Account?

By default, Investment Accounts are available on your Menu Ribbon on the Elements Asset Management App. Here's a list of Investment Accounts associated with your firm, and you can choose to view All or Recently Viewed Investment Accounts. You can also use the List View functionality to see other lists you or your firm create, and each of these lists is searchable, sortable, and filterable. To view specific Investment Account details, select the Investment Account Name.

What's in an Investment Account?

Account Updates

  • New Task
  • New Event
  • Log a Call
  • Edit
  • New Contact
  • Delete
  • Clone
  • Printable view

Related List Quick Links

  • Time/Expense
  • New Business
  • Notes
  • Files

Account Menu

  • Details
  • Notes & Files
  • Related

Account Information

  • Investment Account Name
  • Account Number
  • Initial Funding
  • Initial Funding Date
  • Tax ID
  • Termination Reason
  • Relationship
  • Account Value 🔑 
  • Valuation Date 🔑
  • Reporting Date
  • Termination Date
  • Rep Code

Investment Details

  • Investment Product
  • Investment Strategy

Distribution Details

  • Distribution Channel
  • Distribution Team
  • Advisor 
  • Firm

Activity Log


🔑 - Field is calculated, cannot be updated manually.

Related Objects

Contributions & Withdrawals

  • These Contribution and Withdrawal records are currently data points that are populated manually, through data loader, or through a custom integration only at this time. 

Time & Expense

  • These Time and Expense records are currently calculated based on Activities logged to the Investment Account.

Salentica can be customized by your System Administrator, so your views & access may differ from this documentation. Please contact your System Administrator with specific questions.

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