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Home > Elements Custom Built Solutions > In Touch > Setting Up InTouch, Elements Interaction Service Module
Setting Up InTouch, Elements Interaction Service Module
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Set up Entity Reference Records

1. Go to the Elements Configuration app. If you don't see this, make sure it is available as a Permission Set for your Admins.

2. Go to the Entity Reference object. This should be a tab within the Elements Configuration App.

3. Click New to create a new Entity Reference.

4. Enter Object Prefix.

5Enter the corresponding Object Name (dropdown).

6. Click Save.


If you're not sure how to do this, we have created a video that will walk you through this setup. The video references setting this up for Time and Expense, but the process is the same for InTouch.


  • Since each firm has different prefix per entity, you will have to look up each one on an existing record. 
  • For InTouch, we recommend you set this up for the Relationship, Request, and New Business. If you have set these up for Time and Expense, you do not have to do it again.

Defining Service Levels

Service Level is an object in Elements Configuration app that allows you to create any number of Service Levels for Relationships and New Business. We don't have any default Service Levels, since we know each firm has specific ideas around their client service.


1. Go to the Elements Configuration app. If you don't see this, make sure it is available as a Permission Set for your Admins.

2. Go to the Service Level (Relationship) object. This should be a tab within the Elements Configuration App.

3. Click New to create a new Service Level.

4. Enter Service Level (Relationship) Name.

5. Choose an Email Frequency or enter Custom Email Frequency (Days). 

6. Choose a Conversation Frequency or enter Custom Conversation Frequency (Days). 

7. Click Save.


Updating Page Layouts

So that your records and objects reflect InTouch, you will want to update your Page Layouts. These are our recommended Page Layout update for the Elements 2020 Release:


Edit the Page Layout on the following Objects: 


1. Edit Section: Relationship Details - Add Service Level

2. Edit Section: Compliance & Service - Add Last Email, Next Email, Last Conversation, Next Conversation, and Days Until Next Conversation.


  •        Last Contacted On

  •        Last Contact Activity

  •        Last Contacted By

  •        Last Email

  •        Last Conversation

3. Add New Section: Time & Expense

4. Add the following fields, and check off read-only for each:

  • Expenses (YTD)

  • Time - Hours (YTD)

  • Average Cost Per Hour (YTD)

  • Expenses (12M)

  • Time - Hours (12M)

  • Average Cost Per Hour (12M)

5. Update Related Lists: Add New Business & Time and Expense


1. Add New Section: Time & Expense

2. Add the following fields, and check off read-only for each:

  • Expenses (YTD)

  • Time - Hours (YTD)

  • Average Cost Per Hour (YTD)

  • Expenses (12M)

  • Time - Hours (12M)

  • Average Cost Per Hour (12M)

3. Update Related Lists: Add New Business & Time and Expense

Financial Accounts

1. Add New Section: Time & Expense

2. Add the following fields, and check off read-only for each:

  • Expenses (YTD)

  • Time - Hours (YTD)

  • Average Cost Per Hour (YTD)

  • Expenses (12M)

  • Time - Hours (12M)

  • Average Cost Per Hour (12M)

3. Update Related Lists: Add New Business & Time and Expense


 Update Related Lists: Add New Business & Outreach


 Update Related Lists: Add Sponsorships and Vendor Contracts

Salentica can be customized by your System Administrator, so your views & access may differ from this documentation. Please contact your System Administrator with specific questions.

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