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Home > Salentica Releases for Elements > 2025 Elements Releases > Using March 2025 Release for Elements
Using March 2025 Release for Elements
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Follow the step-by-step guide below to incorporate the March 2025 Release into Elements. These steps should be completed by an active Salesforce System Administrator with the following Permission Sets assigned:

  • Elements Workflow Manager Administrator

  • Salentica Elements Workflow Manager

  • Salentica Elements Configuration

Steps to Update Elements for March 2025 Release

1. Page Layout Changes for Workflow Manager Object (Recommended)

2. Field Changes for Workflow Template Step, Workflow Launcher Step, and Workflow Step Objects (Mandatory)

1. Page Layout Changes for Workflow Manager Object (Recommended)

1. Click the gear icon at the top-right corner of the home page and select Setup

2. Click the Object Manager tab and type Workflow Launcher in the Quick Find search bar on the right. Click the Workflow Launcher object under the Label column

3. Click the Lightning Record Pages menu option on the left of the Object detail screen and click Workflow Launcher Lightning page

4. Click Clone

5. Change the Label and API Name of the record page to a different name. In this example, set the Label as Workflow Step Record Page and the API Name as Workflow_Step_Record_Page

6. Click on the Activity Pane and click the trash can icon to delete this component from the page

7. Click Save at the top right corner. Click the Activation/Activate button to assign this record page as the Org default and the App default of Elements Workflow Manager app for both Desktop and Mobile form factors or assign it based on app/record type/profile


2. Field Changes for Workflow Template Step, Workflow Launcher Step, and Workflow Step Objects (Mandatory)

1. Click the Object Manager tab and type Workflow Template Step in the Quick Find search bar on the right. Click the Workflow Template Step object under the Label column

2. Click Fields & Relationships then click Assignee Role field

3. Scroll down and click New on Values. Add the following values:

Relationship Owner
Previous Task Owner
Workflow Initiator

Click Save

4. Click Reorder and modify the picklist so that the three new roles appear under Queue. Save and exit.

5. Click the Object Manager tab, and type Workflow Launcher Step in the Quick Find search bar on the right. Click the Workflow Launcher Step object under the Label column

6. Click Fields & Relationships then click Assignee Role field

7. Scroll down and click New on Values. Add the following values:

Relationship Owner
Previous Task Owner
Workflow Initiator

Click Save


8. Click Reorder and modify the picklist so that the three new roles appear under Queue. Save and exit

9. Click the Object Manager tab, and type Workflow Step in the Quick Find search bar on the right. Click the Workflow Step object under the Label column

10. Click Fields & Relationships then click Assignee Role field

11. Scroll down and click New on Values. Add the following values:

Relationship Owner
Previous Task Owner
Workflow Initiator

Click Save


12. Click Reorder and modify the picklist so that the three new roles appear under Queue. Save and exit

13. Click the Object Manager tab and type Workflow Template Step in the Quick Find search bar on the right. Click the Workflow Template Step object under the Label column

14. Click Fields & Relationships then click the dropdown arrow next to the Due in X Business Days field and click Edit

15. In the Help Text box, type A value of 0 will set the Due Date to the Task creation date, respecting the Holiday (Next/Previous Business Day). Save and Exit

16. Click the Object Manager tab, and type Workflow Launcher Step in the Quick Find search bar on the right. Click the Workflow Launcher Step object under the Label column

17. Click Fields & Relationships then click the dropdown arrow next to the Due in X Business Days field and click Edit

18. In the Help Text box, type A value of 0 will set the Due Date to the Task creation date, respecting the Holiday (Next/Previous Business Day). Save and Exit

19. Click the Object Manager tab, and type Workflow Step in the Quick Find search bar on the right. Click the Workflow Step object under the Label column

20. Click Fields & Relationships then click the dropdown arrow next to the Due in X Business Days field and click Edit

21.  In the Help Text box, type A value of 0 will set the Due Date to the Task creation date, respecting the Holiday (Next/Previous Business Day). Save and Exit

Congratulations! You have successfully set up the features for the Elements March 2025 Release.

Salentica can be customized by your System Administrator, so your views & access may differ from this documentation. Please contact your System Administrator with specific questions.

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