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Elements March 2025 Release
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We are excited to introduce the most recent update for Elements, prioritizing boosting performance and ease of use for Workflow Manager. This release brings performance enhancements to provide a more seamless and efficient user experience. Read more below to see how the release can benefit your firm.

Cancel Workflows

Now all users can cancel a Workflow that may have been created in error or is no longer required. Previously, only a System Administrator could cancel a Workflow. On the Workflow, you will see a Cancel Workflow button, allowing you to cancel any remaining tasks with a Not Started or In Progress status.


Track Task Ownership Changes

Keep track of your task assignments with automatic updates. When the task's owner changes, Elements now automatically populates the Previous Owner and Re-Assigned On fields. You can quickly identify the previous and current owners, whether a specific person or a queue and when the task was reassigned.



Task Due Date Can be Set to Today

You may need a Workflow task completed immediately. Previously, the earliest due date was one business day. Now, you can set the Due in X Business Days field to 0 for tasks due today. The task will be due today or the Next Available Day if today is a Holiday or falls on a Weekend. We have added Help Text to the Due in X Business Days field for reference. 

New Assignee Roles

Workflow Manager gives you more options for task assignments. In addition to Specific User, Queue, and Account Team Roles, you can now assign Workflow tasks to the Relationship Owner, Previous Task Owner, and Workflow Initiator. This update is available under Configuration>Workflow Templates.


When you select the Assignee Role of Relationship Owner on a Workflow task, the task will be assigned to the Relationship Owner associated with the Workflow.

Note: It is best practice to require a Relationship association when creating a Workflow to use this Assignee Role.


When you select the Assignee Role of Previous Task Owner on a Workflow task, the task will be assigned to the owner of the previously completed task. 

Note: If the task is the first task in the Workflow, there is no Previous Task Owner, and the task will be assigned to the user who initiated the Workflow.

When you select the Assignee Role of Workflow Initiator on a Workflow task, the task will be assigned to the user who initiated the Workflow. In the case of a recurring Workflow, this is the user who initially launched the recurring Workflow.

Customize the Maximum Checklist Items

You can now customize the Maximum Checklist Items in a Workflow task. Previously, the maximum number of items in a Checklist was limited to 20. System Administrators can customize the total number of Checklist Items allowed in Setup. If no maximum value is entered, the Maximum Checklist Items will default to 20.

Users will receive an error message if attempting to create more than the maximum number of Checklist items specified in Setup.

  1. Enter a ticket to our support team for further assistance.
  2. Check out this article for the latest upgrade installation.
  3. System Administrators use this article to incorporate the features of the release into your environment.

Version 4.56, Release Date March 3, 2025

Salentica can be customized by your System Administrator, so your views & access may differ from this documentation. Please contact your System Administrator with specific questions.

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